At which pharmacies is Omegor Vitality available?

Hello I wanted to purchase Omega-3 from the Omegor line (1000 mg dosage) through my pharmacy. I wanted to know if the pharmaceutical company that produces them is Omegor or has another name, so I can provide all the details. Does taking Omega-3 take effect even if you are not on the zone diet? I have my husband who is starting to have somewhat high cholesterol (although still in minimal values). Have a great day
Dear Cristina,
Omegor Omega-3 supplements are available throughout the country: in your case, simply request the Omegor Vitality 1000 product from the company U.G.A. Nutraceuticals.
Supplementation with omega-3 essential fatty acids is important at all ages: both in healthy individuals and those with various diseases. The beneficial effects can be observed even if one does not follow the Zone Diet. The Omegor Vitality 1000 product contains in each pearl 420 mg of EPA and 210 mg of DHA in a ratio of 2.1: an ideal dosage to promote cardiovascular health by balancing HDL cholesterol and triglycerides as well as to promote the reduction of inflammation. This inflammation in some cases is subclinical and manifests itself through disorders of various kinds:
- headache
- malaise
- dry skin
- disorders of the digestive system
- anxiety
- depression
For your husband, I recommend taking 2-3 pearls of Omegor Vitality daily, taken just before a main meal, and following a varied diet without making drastic changes in diet.
Healthy eating: some tips
- Limit fat consumption without eliminating it from the diet.
- Increase weekly portions of fish.
- Limit refined carbohydrates.
- Prefer whole grains, whole grain pasta and bread, fruits and vegetables.
- Consume foods rich in fiber and slow-release starches, which are absorbed more slowly and keep blood insulin levels constant.
After 2 months of supplementation, by repeating the tests, he will be able to verify the effectiveness of the treatment.
I hope I have been helpful and invite you to contact me again for further information.
Dr. Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist