
Omega-3 deficiency: symptoms to watch out for

Omega 3 deficiency? Here's what to look out for

The Omega 3 are essential fatty acids necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Daily intake of these nutrients is necessary both to maintain a state of good health and to avoid various disorders that could be brought about by their deficiency.

Omega-3 deficiency: the FADS

Omega-3s enter the bloodstream through thediet. Reduced intake through foods or dietary supplements side by side with them risks depleting the body of these valuable nutrients, leading to deficiency. Scientists have recently given a name to this phenomenon: FADS. FADS stands for Fatty Acid Deficiency Syndrome.

Omega-3 deficiency symptoms: the list

Recognizing the occurrence of Omega-3 deficiency is not always easy: in fact, the symptoms are often confused (as common) with those of other diseases.    

Several are the problems that such a lack can generate, let us see them together.

Skin problems

  • Dry skin
  • Fragile hair
  • Weak nails
  • Keratosis on the back, upper limbs and legs
  • Eczema
  • Dandruff
  • Dry eye

Attention and concentration problems

  • Attention deficit
  • Hyperactivity
  • Concentration problems

Mood problems and states of mind

  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Mood changes
  • Low frustration tolerance

Energy and sleep disorders

  • Fatigue and Tiredness
  • Poor sleep quality


  • Joint pain

Omega-3 deficiency: why it is dangerous to ignore the symptoms

Some of the symptoms mentioned before are only passing annoyances. Others are more serious and should not be ignored, otherwise you risk leaving the body and the organism in a constant state of inflammation. This, over time, can lead to the onset of cardiovascular diseases or more serious diseases.

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