
Healthy eating: foods rich in Omega-3 at the base of the ideal menu

Omega 3 diet: fish oil the basis of a healthy lifestyle

The ideal menu for keeping the body healthy abounds with foods rich in Omega 3, the basis of healthy eating. It was devised by researchers from the independent British association LFR, Leatherhead Food Research. LFR experts identify Omega-3 rich foods as the cornerstones ofhealthy, palatable and nutritious eating. Adiet rich in Omega-3 promotes the body's well-being. In particular, it acts to:

  • Improve the health of the cardiovascular system;
  • Improve the health of the nervous system;
  • regulate inflammatory processes.

Labels on packages: how reliable are they?

Food packages often state the health benefits exerted by the nutrients they contain.Leatherhead scientists developed the "perfect menu" by analyzing 4,000 of these "claims." Careful selection identified only 222 truly valid nutrition claims , discarding those without solid health benefit references. Included among the claims that passed the test are those related to Omega-3s. These molecules help keep the heart, arteries and other organs in a healthy state through their anti-inflammatory activity as well as their ability to control blood fat levels.

Omega-3: the main ingredient of the perfect menu

Let's see what foods therefore make up the "ideal meal": 2 out of 3 courses consist of Omega-3 rich foods. Starter: fresh or smoked salmon. Salmon is a fish rich in these fatty acids and should be eaten at least 2 times a week to effectively protect the arteries, heart and brain. It can be accompanied by:

  • 1 slice of cereal bread, with fiber and folate valuable for the nervous system;
  • amixed salad dressed with a little extra virgin olive oil, which helps control cholesterol levels.

Main course: chicken casserole with a side of lentils and mixed vegetables, a powerhouse of protein for muscles and pantothenic acid to boost mental performance. Those on a diet can replace this dish with a mixed berry smoothie, rich in glucomannan useful for weight loss. Sweet: yogurt pudding decorated with sugar-free caramel and nuts, ideal for aiding digestion and intestinal transit. It contains no sugars that could damage teeth or alter blood glucose levels. Walnuts, plant-based sources of Omega-3, help keep blood vessels sufficiently elastic. Experts recommend eating 30 grams a day, corresponding to one handful.

Recommendations for specific categories

The menu also contains directions for specific cases or special categories. Sportsmen. For example, those who play sports can prepare the ideal supplement by combining ingredients high in biotin, calcium, zinc, chromium, copper, iron, potassium, selenium, and magnesium. Those who have trouble sleeping. Those who have trouble sleeping well can make hot chocolate, a drink that promotes good sleep due to the presence of melatonin. Those who want to reduce the formation of intestinal gas. Those who want to reduce the formation of intestinal gas can take activated charcoal tablets after meals.

Not only salmon

The proposed menu is both tasty and nutritious. We can replace salmon with other fish sources of Omega-3, such as tuna, mackerel, anchovies. Vegetable sources, on the other hand, are less abundant: mentionflaxseed oil.