Omega-3: benefits, properties and contraindications

Gli acidi grassi Omega-3 sono un tipo di grassi polinsaturi considerati essenziali perché l'organismo umano non è in grado di sintetizzarli in quantità sufficienti per soddisfare i suoi fabbisogni. Le loro proprietà, contrapposte rispetto a quelle degli acidi grassi Omega-6, sono associate a effetti benefici sulla salute dell'apparato cardiovascolare e del sistema nervoso, e non solo: anni di studi dimostrano la loro potenziale utilità anche contro patologie che colpiscono altri organi e sistemi.

To meet Omega-3 requirements, it is first of all possible to rely on thediet. However, not all sources of Omega-3 provide their biologically active forms; moreover, in some special conditions (such as pregnancy) meeting the body's demands can be particularly difficult. Fortunately, however, there are excellent quality dietary supplements that can help cope with such situations.

In general, Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplements do not give serious side effects; the most common are gastrointestinal symptoms such as belching, poor digestion and diarrhea.

 However, there is no shortage of contraindications; therefore, in case you are taking medications, have allergies or are in special conditions (such as pregnancy or breastfeeding), in addition to making sure that you are buying first-rate and cost-effective products, it is a good idea to seek advice from your pharmacist or doctor.

Omega-3s, what's the use of taking them

I benefici dell'assunzione di Omega-3 sono stati descritti per la prima volta negli anni '70 del secolo scorso da ricercatori che notarono come negli Eschimesi Inuit che vivevano in Groenlandia – una popolazione che assumeva dosi elevate di Omega-3 di origine marina – le membrane delle piastrine erano molto ricche di questi acidi grassi e il rischio di aterosclerosi era ridotto.

Gli esperti attribuirono quest'ultimo effetto alle abitudini alimentari degli Inuit e all'impatto della loro dieta sui livelli ematici di grassi e sulla coagulazione del sangue. Studi successivi hanno approfondito ulteriormente la conoscenza di a cosa servono gli Omega-3, svelando che una volta assunti vengono incorporati in tutti i tessuti dell'organismo e che le loro concentrazioni sono particolarmente elevate nel tessuto nervoso, nella retina e nel muscolo cardiaco.

What Omega-3s are good for

Un primo ruolo degli Omega-3 è di tipo strutturale; infatti questi acidi grassi si inseriscono fra i fosfolipidi delle membrane cellulari, rendendole più fluide. Inoltre queste molecole sono utilizzate come materiale di partenza per la sintesi di altre sostanze dagli importanti ruoli funzionali, in particolare molecole dall'azione antinfiammatoria. Le proprietà degli Omega-3 sono utili sin dalla gestazione, quando aiutano lo sviluppo corretto del sistema cardiovascolare, del cervello e degli occhi del bambino.

E sempre per proteggere cuore, arterie, sistema nervoso e vista è importante garantirsene livelli adeguati anche durante il resto della vita. Infatti diversi studi hanno associato agli Omega-3 effetti antinfiammatori e anticoagulanti, la capacità di controllare il colesterolo e i trigliceridi nel sangue e quella di abbassare la pressione, ma non solo. Secondo alcune ricerche questi acidi grassi potrebbero ridurre anche il rischio e i sintomi di problematiche come l'ictus, le malattie infiammatorie intestinali, l'artrite reumatoide, l'asma, il diabete, il declino cognitivo e l'ictus.

Benefici per la salute

Omega-3 benefits and contraindications

Of all the possible benefits of omega-3s that have been most studied, the best known relate to the heart. Going into more detail, omega-3 fatty acids have numerous other benefits.

Riduzione dei trigliceridi

Omega-3 contributes to the reduction of blood triglyceride levels after meals and on an empty stomach.

Aumento colesterolo HDL

Omega-3s contribute to the increase in so-called "good" cholesterol (the HDL, High Density Lipoproteins).

Proprietà antitrombotiche

Omega-3s have antithrombotic properties that could help reduce the risk of serious cardiovascular events (such as heart attack and stroke).

Effetto antiaritmico

Omega-3s have an antiarrhythmic effect, that is, they help counteract cardiac arrhythmia phenomena.

Azione antinfiammatoria

Omega-3s have anti-inflammatory action, which by affecting the dilation of arteries could help fight hypertension, especially during old age.

The action exerted by Omega-3s against inflammation has also been associated with positive effects against inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative rectocolitis and Crohn's disease) and some autoimmune-based rheumatologic diseases.
In addition, these fatty acids have been associated with the regulation of the immune response and certain growth factors-with potential implications also in controlling cell proliferation and fighting cancer.
Finally, Omega-3 intake has been associated with reducing symptoms of some neurological and psychiatric diseases and preventing one of the leading causes of vision loss in old age: age-related macular degeneration.

Contraindications of Omega-3s (specifically, Omega-3 supplements) concern people at risk of bleeding because they are taking particular drugs or substances, such as anticoagulants and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (the NSAIDs). In fact, these polyunsaturated fatty acids can increase the time it takes for blood to clot.

In addition, it has not yet been determined whether those who are allergic to fish or shellfish can take fish oil products, one of the main types of Omega-3 supplements. 


Omega three fatty acids: EPA, DHA and ALA

The progenitor of the Omega-3 family isalpha-linolenic acid(ALA), a nutrient considered
essential because human cells are unable to synthesize it. 

 Efsa (the European Food Safety Authority) has cleared the nutrition claim that ALA helps maintain normal blood cholesterol levels. 

 After being taken in, the alpha-linolenic acid is converted into other polyunsaturatedfats-EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)-which are the biologically active Omega-3s responsible for the benefits associated with these fatty acids.

Unfortunately, however, the body cannot produce sufficient amounts of EPA and DHA to meet its needs. In fact, to do so it must first convert ALA to EPA, but this one reaction has an efficiency of only 5 percent. A second step then allows DHA to be obtained from EPA, but
the efficiency of converting ALA to EPA plus DHA is less than 0.4 percent, and less than 0.1 percent of the ALA intake is converted by the human body into DHA.

For all these reasons, not only ALA but all Omega-3s are often considered essential fatty acids.

The different types of fatty acids and their benefits

Of all the possible benefits of omega-3s that have been most studied, the best known relate to the heart. Going into more detail, omega-3 fatty acids have numerous other benefits.

EPA and DHA, omega-3 fatty acids

EPA and DHA, omega-3 fatty acids

Efsa approved the nutrition claims that EPA and DHA:

  • help maintain normal blood pressure and triglyceride blood levels;
  • contribute to the proper functioning of the heart.

In addition, Efsa also authorizes stating that DHA:

  • Contributes to the normal development of the brain and its proper functioning;
  • Promotes proper eye development, vision in the first year of life and good visual health.

Infatti questo Omega-3 è un componente fondamentale del cervello e corrisponde al 50% circa del peso delle membrane dei neuroni.La sua presenza e la sua attività influenzano direttamente lo sviluppo e il funzionamento del cervello attraverso numerosi meccanismi, inclusi il mantenimento dell'integrità delle membrane, la trasmissione del segnale nervoso, la produzione di neuroni a partire dalle cellule staminali, il funzionamento dei recettori di membrana e il passaggio dei segnali all'interno delle cellule.

Omega-6 and Omega-9

Omega-6 and Omega-9

Omega-3s are not the only unsaturated fats friendly to heart and artery health. In fact, Omega-9s - monounsaturated fats such asoleic acid found in foods such as olive, sunflower and canola oils - have also been associated with benefits such as reduced cardiovascular and stroke risk. Their benefits would depend on increasing "good" cholesterol and reducing "bad" cholesterol.

Omega-9 can also be produced by the body.Linoleic acid (LA), on the other hand, is another essential fatty acid.

Present mainly in vegetable oils (corn, sunflower, soybean, and safflower), linoleic acid is the progenitor of the Omega-6 polyunsaturated fats, which like Omega-3 are structural components of cell membranes and are the starting material for the synthesis of molecules involved in inflammation; however, from Omega-6 fatty acids we derive arachidonic acid, a substance that has aproinflammatory action.

In general, Omega-6s, which are abundant in foods typical of the modern Western diet, exert opposite effects on inflammation and immunity than Omega-3s. For this reason, the ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 (to be precise, the Omega-6:Omega-3 ratio) is commonly used to define the inflammatory potential of the diet; in addition, increased intake of linoleic acid and deficiency of

Omega-3s are considered important risk factors for both cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and for allergies and cancers. 

Linoleic acid and conjugated linoleic acid

Linoleic acid and conjugated linoleic acid

Although they usually exert opposite effects to those of Omega-3, Omega-6 can also lead to health benefits. In particular, linoleic acid can also occur in a form that has been associated with several health properties:conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). 

Conjugated linoleic acid can prevent the development of atherosclerosis, reduce body fat by improving lean body mass, and regulate immune and inflammatory responses, and has been associated with properties: 

  • antimutagen
  • anticarcinogenic
  • antiobesiogen
  • antidiabetic
  • antihypertensive

However, different forms of conjugated linoleic acid may have different properties. Therefore, to obtain specific benefits it may be necessary to take equally specific forms.           

Benefici nel cibo

Omega-3 fatty acids, where are they found?

Quando si parla di dove si trovano gli Omega-3 è importante fare una
distinzione tra quelli presenti negli alimenti che contengono Omega-3 di origine marina e quelli che possono invece essere apportati da cibi presenti
sulla terra ferma. 

Questi ultimi sono di origine vegetale e contengono ALA. Ciò significa che per poter sfruttare i benefici degli Omega-3 presenti in questi cibi l'organismo dovrà convertire l'ALA in EPA e questo in DHA, un'operazione che
come è stato detto ha un'efficienza molto bassa.

Spesso, invece, le fonti marine di Omega-3 sono invece ricche di EPA e DHA
pronti all'uso. In particolare, i prodotti della pesca sono ricchi di EPA e DHA. Per questo dal punto di vista nutrizionale la strategia m assumere questi acidi grassi è consumare alimenti che contengono Omega-3 di origine animale.

Omega-3 rich fish

Omega-3 rich fish

In terms of everyday nutrition, fish is one of the best sources of Omega-3 fats. In particular, the fish with the most Omega-3s are the fatty fish that live in cold seas, such as:

  • the salmon
  • mackerel
  • tuna
  • herrings
  • sardines
  • the swordfish


Leaner fish (such as sea bass, cod, and tilapia), on the other hand, are less rich in Omega-3. 

They are also considered good sources of Omega-3:

  • trout
  • carp
  • the mullet


However, it is good to remember that even in the case of fatty fish, Omega-3 intake may vary depending on how they are fed. In the case of farmed fish, for example, the content of EPA and DHA is higher if the animals are fed traditional feed made from marine ingredients rather than other ingredients.    

Omega-3 and 6 supplements

Omega-3 and 6 supplements

Taking supplements makes it possible to ensure a proper balance of Omega-3, 6 and 9, to meet the body's needs even under conditions of increased Omega-3 requirements (such as during pregnancy), and to take full advantage of the health benefits exerted by these fatty acids.

Products found in pharmacies, parapharmacies, mass retailers, or on the Web are not all the same. A first difference between different Omega-3 supplements concerns cost; from this point of view, it is important to base your choice not only on the price per package, but also on the Omega-3 content for each of the capsules (or tablets, pills, pearls, or opercula).

Multiplying the Omega-3 content per capsule by the number of capsules gives the Omega-3 content per package, and dividing the price by the latter goes back to the price per 1,000 mg of Omega-3.

With this simple calculation, it is possible to identify the most cost-effective Omega-3 supplements. However, the choice should also be based on other factors: theorigin of the Omega-3 in the supplement and the quality of the product in terms of purity and freshness


Vegetable omega-3s

Vegetable omega-3s

The world of plant-based Omega-3s deserves separate attention. In fact, not all plant-based Omega-3 sources are equivalent.

Micro algae and algae oil are sources of the biologically active Omega-3s, EPA and DHA. Omega-3 fish themselves take up these valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids precisely by feeding on micro algae. 

Other plant sources of Omega-3, however, are rich in alpha-linolenic acid.       

Alpha-linoleic acid (ALA)

Alpha-linoleic acid (ALA)

Alpha-linolenic acid, progenitor of the Omega-3 family, can help keep blood cholesterol levels in the normal range.

The human body converts it into the biologically active Omega-3s, EPA and DHA, but unfortunately the efficiency of this conversion is very low, and it is estimated that less than 0.1% of ALA intake is converted to DHA.  

Omega-3, where is alpha-linoleic acid found?

Omega-3, where is alpha-linoleic acid found?

Alpha-linoleic acid is particularly abundant in plant sources of Omega-3 other than microalgae and algal oil. In particular, it is present in:

  • walnuts
  • flaxseed and flaxseed oil
  • rapeseed oil
  • soybean and soybean oil
  • chia seeds
  • Green leafy vegetables.          


EPA e DHA si possono trovare nel pesce come: il salmone, lo sgombro, il tonno, le aringhe, le sardine, il pesce spada, la trota, la carpa e il cefalo.

Crostacei e alghe

si possono trovare anche nei crostacei come il Krill, un piccolo crostaceo che abita prevalentemente le acque antartiche o in fonti vegetali come l'alga Schizochytrium sp.

Olii e semi

L'ALA si può trovare in: noci, semi di lino e olio di semi di lino, olio di colza, soia e olio di soia, semi di chia, verdure a foglia verde.

Integratori di Omega-3

Integratori di Omega-3, Omega-6 e DHA


Omega-3 supplements: what are they for?

Omega-3 supplements are mainly used for 3 purposes:

  • Protect cardiovascular health;
  • Provide Omega-3s needed for the development of the nervous system and eyes;
  • Meeting the daily requirement of EPA and DHA when not eating enough fish with Omega-3.

Studies over the years have also suggested that they may be useful in combating various issues-from diabetes to depression-and there is no shortage of those who use them in veterinary settings (Omega-3s for dogs are sometimes recommended, for example).

Integratori di Omega-3

The best omega-3 supplements

Gli integratori alimentari possono contenere diverse forme di Omega-3:trigliceridi naturali, acidi grassi liberi, etil esteri, trigliceridi riesterificati e fosfolipidi.

Dietary supplements may contain different forms of Omega-3:
natural triglycerides, free fatty acids, ethyl esters, re-esterified triglycerides and phospholipids.

The former are those found naturally in fish oil, while phospholipids are the
main form of Omega-3 in krill oil. Ethyl esters can be obtained from naturally occurring triglycerides by replacing the glycerol molecule in them with ethanol; finally, re-esterified triglycerides are produced by converting ethyl esters back to triglycerides.
All forms of Omega-3 allow increased levels of EPA and DHA in the blood. However, it appears that the bioavailability of ethyl esters is lower than that of naturally occurring triglycerides, the re-esterified triglycerides and free fatty acids.

Read more

In addition, when buying Omega-3 supplements, it is important to choose products with certified purity, freshness and concentration.

To choose the best Omega-3 supplement, you can rely on certifications issued by third-party laboratories based on the reference standards established by the Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s (GOED). Well-known laboratories include those of Nutrasource Diagnostics Inc.'s International Fish Oil Standards (IFOS) testing and certification program, the only one dedicated exclusively to fish oil.  

There are four evaluation criteria :

  • The correspondence between the concentration of active ingredients detected in the product and that stated on the label;
  • The level of oxidation, which must be less than 75 percent to the standard set by the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN);
  • The PCB level, which must be less than 50 percent of the CRN standard;
  • the level of dioxin, which must be less than 50 percent of the standard specified by the World Health Organization (WHO).

For each criterion met, the system awards one star; in addition, a fifth star is awarded to those products that received positive ratings in all the tests performed.

Omegor Vitality, VitaDHA 1000 e Meaquor 1000 sono tutti certificati 5 stelle IFOS su ogni lotto.



Benefici per la salute

Omega-3 rx

Omega-3 Rx supplements are pharmaceutical grade supplements, that is, they meet standards suitable for medicinal use.

These supplements feature higher EPA and DHA concentrations and a high degree of purification. The Omega-3 content of each capsule is closer to 100 percent, and the risk of the presence of contaminants, oxidized fatty acids, toxins (such as mercury) and other undesirable substances (e.g., cholesterol or saturated fats) is lower than in other dietary supplements.

Integratori di Omega-3

Omega-3: foods or supplements

The benefits of a diet rich in foods containing Omega-3s have been widely demonstrated. However, daily DHA and EPA requirements cannot always be met by diet alone; therefore, supplements can be a valuable aid for those who want to ensure a nutritionally balanced diet.

In addition, in some cases-particularly during pregnancy-theconsumption of fish with Omega-3 should be limited to no more than 150 grams per week because of the risk of mercury contamination. Relying on plant sources of Omega-3s-which contain ALA-is not sufficient to meet the DHA requirements of the developing fetus; therefore, Omega-3 supplements are also a valuable aid during gestation. 

Finally, taking Omega-3 supplements may be recommended to combat specific health problems, such as high triglycerides.

In general, relying on the advice of a nutritionist can help you understand whether and how to take Omega-3 in supplement form.  

Omega-3: daily dose

According to the Larns (the Reference Intake Levels of Nutrients and Energy for the Italian population) the adequate intake level of Omega-3 for adults and the elderly is 250 mg of EPA+DHA per day; exceptions are women during pregnancy and lactation, in which case the daily intake of Omega-3 is 250 mg of EPA+DHA plus 100-200 mg of DHA.

In the case of Omega-3s for children and adolescents according to LARNs, on the other hand, the adequate intake is 250 mg per day of EPA+DHA, plus 100 mg of DHA up to age 2.

Regarding dietary supplements specifically, according to Efsa, Omega-3 products can boast beneficial properties only in the cases shown in Table 1.

Regarding maximum intake levels, to know how many grams of EPA and DHA Omega-3 per day not to exceed you can consult Table 2.

Since different supplements may contain different amounts of Omega-3, the dosage may vary from case to case.

Table 1





Maintenance of normal cholesterol levels



Normal functioning of the heart



Normal brain and eye development of the fetus and breastfed babies

200 mg (maternal intake)

Table 2




4 to 14 years old

Males and females

5 grams

From 15 years old


5 grams

From 15 years old


5 grams

Side effects

Omega-3 supplements: side effects

As mentioned, omega-3 supplements are generally well tolerated. Possible side effects, particularly with low-quality omega-3 supplements, mostly include gastrointestinal symptoms such as:

  • Eutotations
  • Stomach pain or stomach discomfort
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation

It is a good idea to seek medical advice if these complaints are severe or do not hint at disappearing.



Omega-3: contraindications

Omega-3 supplements may have contraindications because they may increase the time it takes for blood to clot; therefore, they may be contraindicated if you are taking medications that may in turn affect it.

In generale è bene informare il medico o il farmacista su tutti i farmaci, gli integratori ei fitoterapici che si assumono, in particolare:

  • anticoagulants
  • antiplatelet
  • beta blockers
  • diuretics
  • estrogen-based contraceptives
  • hormone replacement therapy
  • Fans

Non è invece stato ancora del tutto chiarito se fra le controindicazioni degli integratori di olio di pesce con Omega-3 siano da includere le allergie al pesce e ai crostacei. Nel caso in cui se ne soffra, prima di assumerli è bene consultarsi con il proprio medico.

More generally, you should inform your doctor or pharmacist in case of:

  • any type of allergy
  • diabetes
  • atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter
  • Liver, thyroid or pancreatic diseases
  • pregnancy
  • breastfeeding

Attenzione se si assumono

anticoagulanti, antiaggreganti, betabloccanti, diuretici, contracettivi a base di estrogeni, terapia ormonale sostitutiva e Fans.

Attenzione in caso di

qualunque tipo di allergia, diabete, fibrillazione arteriale o flutterarteriale, patologie epatiche tiroidee o pancreatiche, gravidanza eallattamento al seno.

Chiedi al farmacista

I nostri farmacisti risponderanno a tutti tuoi dubbi o curiosità nutrizionali


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EU Register of nutrition and health claims made on foods

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IFOS - The international fish oil standards program

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MedlinePlus. Omega-3 fats: Good for your heart

MedlinePlus. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

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