Ask the Pharmacist

Does Omegor Vitality 1000 naturally contain vitamin D3?

I am taking 1 pearl a day of Omegor Vitality 1000. I am asking if it naturally contains vitamin D3, as it is fish oil. I ask because in the past few days I have been taking 1 pearl of vitamin D3 in addition to supplementation, but I have had symptoms of intoxication: stomach ache, poor appetite, poor digestion.

Dear Joseph, 

Omegor Vitality does not contain vitamin D3. The undesirable effects you have manifested are then not attributable to taking 1 pearl/day of the product. Overdose may possibly result in complaints such as nausea, flatulence, and diarrhea. There is no set daily dose for vitamin D: that usually recommended for adults is 5-10 micrograms (200-400 IU) per day with an upper limit of 50 micrograms (2,000 IU). 

You can try stopping one of the 2 treatments or spacing out your intake to assess the progress of your symptoms. If this discomfort continues, I recommend that you consult your physician. 

I remain at your disposal for any further clarification on this issue.


Dr. Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist