Ask the Pharmacist

About Omegor Vitality: nutritional values, how to take it, help against cholesterol

Good morning, I would like to purchase Omegor Vitality but I have a few questions: - Are the nutritional values I find on the website referring to a 500 pearl or a 1000 pearl? - Are the pearls soluble and can I ingest them whole or do I have to open them? - When to take them? Before meals or on an empty stomach? They were recommended to me to decrease cholesterol levels. Thank you.

Dear Jade, 

Below is the answer to your question.

Nutritional values of Omegor Vitality

The nutritional values given on the website refer to one pearl of Omegor Vitality 1000. In Omegor Vitality 500 the amounts are halved, consequently the pearls are smaller.

Mode of recruitment

The beads have a soft gelatin shell and should be swallowed. Alternatively, it is possible:

  • Chew them up and then throw away the wrapper;
  • puncture them and take on the oil individually;
  • pierce them and mix the oil with yogurt and spreadable cheese.

It is preferable to take the pearls before a main meal to promote the absorption and digestibility of the product. I would like to point out to you that Omega-3 fatty acids are not particularly effective in reducing total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, but mainly affect the blood level concentration of HDL and triglycerides.

Omega-3 supplements for cholesterol

The product I recommend for reducing cholesterol levels is Cardiol, a formulation that combines Omega-3s (450 milligrams/capsule) with fermented red rice, polycosanols and other active ingredients with greater specificity toward hypercholesterolemia. Cardiol is a supplement formulated to ensure the overall health of the cardiovascular system by acting on multiple fronts:

  • the omega-3s present help reduce blood triglycerides, promote a rise in "good" HDL cholesterol, and stabilize heart rate and rhythm;
  • fermented red rice, bioflavonoids,polycosanols, tocotrienols and vitamin B3 work synergistically by effectively promoting LDL cholesterol reduction;
  • folic acid and vitamin B12 enable the reduction of plasma homocysteine levels.

The recommended dose for Cardiol is 1 pearl daily, taken preferably before dinner. The package contains 30 pearls sufficient for one month of treatment. Cardiol can also be combined with 1-2 pearls of Omegor Vitality 1000: this increases the daily intake of Omega-3 fatty acids. I invite you to contact us again if you have any further questions. 


Dr. Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist